
Recurrent neural network grammars (RNNG)

Recurrent neural network grammars 实现语言的分层形式表达,RNNG中存在的bias为top bias,较符合语言逻辑。

本文介绍了Recurrent neural network grammars (RNNG)的原理,优点和实验结果。

原文参考 Recurrent Neural Network Grammars (Chris Dyer, et al., 2016)

写中文的notes好累啊,所以这篇暂时是英文的 ( ´▽`)


Top-down Parsing and Generation

  • Parser Transition
    – bottom-up shift-reduce recognition algorithms
    – the parsing algorithm: mapping from sequences of words to parse trees.
    Stack($S$): contains terminal symbols, open nonterminal symbols and completed constituents. Begin with empty.
    – Input Buffer(B): contains unprocesses terminal symbols. Begin with complete sequence of words.
    – Info. to train a classifier: current contents on Stack (some part of $y_t$) and Buffer (part of $x_t$)
    – Top-down parsing example Figure 1(a)
  • Generator Transitions
    – Algorithm that stochastically generates trees and terminal symbols.
    – Need two changes of parsing algorithm: no input buffer of unprocesses words, rather there is an Output Buffer ($T$)
    – Instead of a SHIFT operation, there are GEN($x$) operations which generate terminal symbol $x \in \Sigma$ and add it to the top of the Stack (S) and the Output Buffer ($T$)
    – Predict action according to a conditional distibution that depends on the current content of $S$ and $T$. when using RNN model, we also use information of past actions. see RNNG
Figure 1
**Figure 1**

RNNG Sturcture


  • Generate a set of actions
  • at each timestep, we use information: Previous terminal symbols (Tt); Previous actions (a<1); Current
    stack contents (St).
  • $T_t, a<t$ could use normal RNNs or any RNN variants; But St is more complicated:
    • The elements of the stack are more complicated objects than symbols from a discrete alphabet: open nonterminals, terminals, and full trees are all present on the stack.
      • Define a new syntactic composition function that recursively defines representations of trees.
    • it is manipulated by push and pop operations.
      • Need a stack LSTMs or RNNs to obtain the representations of $S$ under push and pop operations.

Syntactic Composition Function

  • Structure see Figure 2
  • Syntactic composition function based on bidirectional LSTMs that is executed during a REDUCE operation:
    • The parser pops a sequence of completed subtrees and/or tokens (together with their vector embeddings) from the stack;
    • makes them children of the most recent open nonterminal on the stack
    • completing the constituent.
  • A bidirectional LSTMs based composition function to compute an embedding of this new subtree.
Figure 2
Figure 2: the network on the right models the structure on the left.

Stack LSTMs or RNNs

  • See Figure 3
  • A stack LSTM extends a conventional left-to-right LSTM with the addition of a stack pointer (notated as TOP in the figure).
    • the boxes in the lowest rows represent stack contents, which are the inputs to the LSTM
    • the upper rows are the outputs of the LSTM (in this paper, only the output pointed to by TOP is ever accessed)
    • and the middle rows are the memory cells and gates.
  • This figure shows three configurations
    • a stack with a single element (left)
    • the result of a pop operation to this (middle)
    • and then the result of applying a push operation (right)
  • Arrows represent function applications (usually affine transformations followed by a nonlinearity).
Figure 3
Figure 3: A stack LSTM

Complete RNNG model

  • Structure see Figure 4 and Table 1
  • !待编辑,需要比较简洁的演示
    Table 1
    Table 1: Line 7
Figure 4
Figure 4: Neural architecture for defining a distribution over at given representations of the stack ($S_t$), output buffer ($T_t$ and history of actions($a_{\ t}$). This architecture corresponds to the generator state at line 7 of Figure 1(b)

Implementation and task

Parameter Estimation

  • RNNGs jointly model sequences of words together with a “tree structure’s $p_{\theta}(\mathbf x,\mathbf y)$
  • Any parse tree can be converted to a sequence of actions (depth first traversal) and vice versa
    • we use trees from the Penn Treebanck
  • We could treat the non-generation actions as latent variables or learn them with RL, effectively making this a problem of grammar induction

Inference of RNNGs

  • An RNNG is a joint distribution $p(\mathbf {x},\mathbf {y})$ over strings $\mathbf {x}$ and parse trees $\mathbf {y}$
  • Two inference questions:
    • $p(\mathbf{x})$ for given $\mathbf{x}$: Language modeling.
    • $argmax_{\mathbf{y}} p(\mathbf{y}\mid\mathbf{x})$ for a given $\mathbf{x}$: parsing.
  • Dynamic programming algorithms we often rely on are of no help here
  • Could use Importance Sampling to do both by sampling from a discriminatively trained model: MC integral.

RNNG as a mini-linguist

  • Replace composition with one that computes attention over objects in the composed sequence, using embedding of NT for similarity.
    • Idea: to compute representation of NP, we may need to pay more attention on N in that NP.


  • Language is hierarchical, and this inductive bias can be encoded into an RNN-style model.
    • when we’re building a learning model, we do have to build some kind of bias on these models.
    • The licensing context (e.g., not…anybody) depends on recursive structure (syntax)
  • RNNGs work by simulating a tree traversal-like a pushdown automaton, but with continuous rather than finite history.
    • it uses continuous representations.
    • simply training on the word sequences and it’s bracketed sequences (trees) does not generate well-formed trees.
    • because there’s no internal mechanism to enforce you’ve got a well bracketed string.
    • traverse the tree also traverse the string.
  • Modeled by RNNs encoding previous tokens, previous actions, and stack contents A stack LSTM evolves with stack contents.
  • The final representation computed by a stack LSTM has a top-down recency bias, rather than left-to- right bias, which might be useful in modeling sentences.
  • Effective for parsing and language modeling, and seems to capture linguistic intuitions about headedness.
    • interesting results: parsing performance of Stack-only RNNG is the best; without Stack info, the system did not work very well on both parsing and LM
      ∗ leaving out stack is harmful
      ∗ using it on its own works slightly better than complete model on parsing.


Dyer, C., Kuncoro, A., Ballesteros, M., & Smith, N. A. (2016). Recurrent neural network grammars. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07776.

Modified 13rd-May-2018 21:00